Photo Retouching
Photo Retouching services are available at affordable prices. Our services include removal of acne, facial glare, stray hairs, skin blemishes, whitening of teeth and eyes, braces removal, eyeglass glare removal, head swaps, opening of closed eyes, adding or removing of people, create weight loss, skin softening or removing of background distractions. Retouching fees are charged per digital file, not per photo. So, order as many photos and sizes as you want!
Color Correction Editing
Color Correction Editing is what makes a good photograph exquisite! This is why professional photographers charge a premium rate. Before digital photography, the photographer would take the picture and hand the film over to the lab and hope for the best. Most of the time, professional labs did a great job. Now with digital photography, the studio spends hours of time color correcting photos. Our studio edits every photograph that we take. At no additional charge, we adjust exposure, highlights, shadows, contrast and color temperature. These are the key elements to a great photograph. We also crop and add vivid color to our pictures.

Premium Retouching Rates
Essential Retouch – $15
Removing acne or blemishes, facial glare, stray hair. Including teeth whitening. Applying a mild skin softener.
Remove Eye Glass Glare – $15
Removing glass glare on eye lenses created by flash or bright light.
Photo Manipulation – $25
Manipulate or delete background distractions. Select up to 3 items
Opening Closed Eyes – $25
Opening closed eyes created by flash or bright sun light.
Head Swap – $35
Swapping the head of one photo with another photo from the same session.
Dental Braces Removal – $35
Removing dental braces from teeth. Including teeth whitening.
Add or Remove People – $50
Adding or removing people from your photo from one of our sessions.
Glamour Retouch – $45
Magazine cover quality retouch. Take off 10 years, 20 lbs., Remove double chin, etc.